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We want to be transparent with our visitors and disclose that certain links and buttons on this website are affiliate links such as the "View on Amazon" button commonly displayed throughout the site. As an affiliate, TrueTableTennis earns commissions from qualifying purchases made through these links and buttons, at no additional cost to you, our visitor.

The products or services recommended on this site are carefully selected based on their relevance and value to our audience of table tennis players, enthusiasts, and hobbyists. The decision to purchase any product or service featured on this website is entirely up to you.

We appreciate your support. Your trust is important to us, and we want to ensure that we provide accurate and helpful information in regards to the sport of table tennis. If you have any questions regarding the affiliate links on this website, please feel free to contact us at

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As an Amazon Affilliate, TrueTableTennis may receive commisions for qualifying purchases made through the links and buttons displayed on this website.